Thank you, 2021 sponsors

Thank you for your continued support! You have inspired the scholarship and educational journey for so many. It’s because of you that we share in their journey for success. Thank you!


Welcome to The Turnbow Foundation

The Turnbow Foundation is committed to improving the lives of disadvantaged children and their families through charitable giving, academic scholarships and access to career training.

Our scholarship and grant programs have increased over the years as the need to assist single parents pay for school has grown.

The benefits for single mothers having a bachelors degree is reflected in the fact that they are five times less likely to be in dire financial conditions when they have a degree. Our scholarships help single mothers afford the education they need for a secure financial future for their family.

1 in 4

Today 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 – a total of about 17.2 million – are being raised without a father and almost half, 40%, live below the poverty line.

7 in 10

7 in 10 children living with a single mother are poor or low income compared with less than a third of children living in other types of families.


24% of the 75 million children under the age of 18 live in a single mother family.


The United States has the highest percentage of single-parent households.


Of all single parent families the most common are those headed by divorced or separated mothers (58%) followed by never-married mothers (24%)


More than 40% of births occurring in the US have been to unmarried women – that’s more than 1.6M annually.


In the US, 80.6% of single parents are mothers.


In the United States, nearly half (45%) of single mothers and their children live below the poverty line, also referred to as the poverty threshold.

Health Risk

Adults and children in single parent households are at risk for adverse health outcomes, including mental illness (ie substance abuse, depression, suicide) and unhealthy behaviors (ie smoking, excessive alcohol use).

21 Million

In the United States today, there are nearly 13.6 million single parents raising over 21 million children. Single fathers are far less common then single mothers, constituting 16% of single-parent families.

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